Cholinergic modulation of evoked unit discharges in superficial and deep layers of primary somatic cortex in cats 体感皮质浅层和深层诱发单位放电的胆碱能调制
Conclusion somatic stimuli can evoke significant activations in bilateral primary and secondary somatic cortex. THE INFLUENCE OF NOXIOUS STIMULATION ON SOMATOSENSORY CORTICAL UNIT ACTIVITY AND THE EFFECT OF ACUPUNCTURE 结论体感刺激激活两侧第一、第二躯体感觉皮层。伤害性刺激对躯体感觉皮层单位放电的影响及电针效应
The spontaneous activity and evoked response induced by direct cortical stimulation were recorded from neurones of somatic sensory cortex on 38 rats. 实验在38只大鼠上进行,由大脑皮层体感区记录神经元自发活动或直接刺激皮层的诱发反应。
Somatic cortex of temporal lobe: magnetic source imaging study 颞叶躯体感觉中枢&脑磁源成像研究